Monday, November 24, 2008

P3. Packaging & Distribution

Packaging and distribution is putting together the different types of entertainment, food and beverage and merchandise, with accommodation, transport and attractions in the vicinity.

Singapore Biennale 2008 committee had chosen several popular shopping destinations/spots to display their artworks. For example, ‘Beware of God’ a projection and video presentation by ‘Deborah Kelly’ (Born 1962 Australia, lives and work in Australia) at Suntec City Shopping Centre, and ‘Fantasmas (Phantoms) 2008’ a public art display by ‘Isaac Montoya’ (Born 1963 Spain, lives and works in Spain) outside Raffles City Shopping Centre. With these artworks at these crowded and popular districts in the heart of Singapore, it draws people attention to it.

Beware of God is a strong light being shot up into the sky with those words. Passer-bys at night will definitely look up into the sky wondering who did that? What does it mean? Is God here today? It arouses a lot of suspicion, curiosity and awe in people when they see something like this being done up. Fantasmus shows a large portrait of a old man, and at the foot of the portrait outside Raffles City Shopping Centre lies 2 booths with colored plastic. When you view the portrait through the plastic, the portrait looks totally different from what is being viewed previously. People will then start taking photographs and talk about it to their friends and families, and their friends and families will then want to come to take a look at it themselves to ease their curiosity.

This not only helps boost the popularity of the Biennale, but at the same time, brings people to visit the shopping centre. ‘Since we’re here, why don’t we eat at Suntec?’ is a common phrase that you will hear among the art lovers. Through this act, more people will be attracted and enticed to visit and take part in the Singapore Biennale as they want more of those kind of art that they see at the shopping centre. This clearly shows an example of putting together art entertainment with attractions in the vicinity, a very good way to promote Singapore Biennale.

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